Keep Your Guard Up Against Cyberattacks During the Holidays

Businesses become an easier target for cyberattacks during the holiday season. Shorter staff, more tasks on your hands, and even closed during the holidays, are all great opportunities for attackers to raid your computer systems. But now that you are aware of it, you have the chance to defend your assets. Computer CPR has listed a couple of ways to protect your business during the increased cyberattacks this holiday season.

What Is a Cyberattack? 

A cyberattack is an attempt by hackers to damage or destroy a computer network or system. Some of the attackers’ motivations are listed below:

  • Destroy the integrity of data
  • Steal controlled information
  • Disrupt, disable, destroy, or maliciously control a computing environment

Cybercriminals don’t take a holiday off. They are always looking for the best time to start trouble, and the holiday season is when businesses have a lot on their plates and are more distracted than usual. 

Why Attack on the Holiday Season?

If you were planning an attack, would you do it when a business is fully staffed, or when there’s a skeletal crew? Probably the latter. There are less workers keeping guard and most of them probably have their hands full with additional tasks.

The holiday season is usually very busy for businesses, especially if you are in retail. Even if you have a decent staff size, you will be more occupied than usual. This means you are more distracted, which is great for the cybercriminals.

Most businesses close for certain holidays, and these days tend to be the most targeted. Unsupervised IT networks are a perfect opportunity for cyberattacks.  

How to Protect Your Business

Computer CPR can help you protect your business with these simple steps and more!

Security Systems Up-to-Date

Computer CPR can ensure that your anti-virus, anti-spam, wireless security, and online content filtration tools are up-to-date. This will allow your programs to perform at their best capacity, which will help them put up a fight against cyberattacks.

Perform Comprehensive and Regular Audits

Computer CPR can perform regular audits for your business at an affordable cost. These audits will enable your business to identify vulnerabilities in the existing security plan you have in place. From this audit, our team can construct a more powerful security plan for your computers.

Limit Data Access

Only allow a few employees to have privileged access to valuable data. Keep track of everyone that has access to this information. Make sure you know everyone’s access rights and the reasons for them having access. This will help prevent theft, loss, and hacking. The more you limit the circle of people granted access, the safer your computer systems and data will be.

Get in Touch with Computer CPR 

Fortify your business with computer security measures this holiday season. Don’t let your guard down, and protect your assets amidst the additional tasks thrown your way. Computer CPR can come in to perform an audit, or we can even do it remotely! We will devise a plan that works best for your company, and tailor the security measures towards your goals. Get in touch with Computer CPR today.

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