10 Common Mac Troubles and their Fixes

Though, the latest version of OS X is a notable improvement over the predecessor, it is still vulnerable to lock-ups, errors and other irksome behaviors that restrict productivity. When it comes to addressing any complicated issue, it is always prudent to go for professional Apple Mac repair services. There are, however, numerous common fixes that you can try before seeking expert professional help. In this two-part series, we will discuss top 10 OS X troubles that affect system performance and their fixes.
Let’s begin!

1. Slow Startup
If your Macintosh computer is taking long to boot, freezes, or reboots automatically, there may be an issue with the PRAM. To resolve this problem, power off your computer and then, switch it back on, while holding down the [command] + [option] + [P] + [R] keys at the same time. You need to continue holding the keys down until you hear the second Apple chime to clear the PRAM.

2. No Booting
Sometimes, your Apple computer does not boot properly, due to a problem with an extension. In such cases, restart or power on your computer, while holding down the [shift] key. You should continuously hold-down the key to disable extensions and login items from loading at the time of booting. “Safe mode” allows the end user to remove the app and boot the computer normally from a desktop with disabled extensions.

3. External Media Boot Failure
If you cannot boot your computer with the help of an external media, you may need to go for a clean install of the OS. To do so, reboot or power on the computer, while holding down the [option] key. This will stop the boot process and display the menu selection. When your cursor highlights the desired device, press the [enter] key to redirect the device’s boot process.

4. Inconsistent Booting
If your Mac shows the issues of issue of inconsistent booting or demands OSX reinstallation, you can resolve the problem by booting into the recovery partition. Booting into the recovery partition involves running diagnostics and disk permission repair using the terminal application. To carry out recovery partition, switch on the computer and hold down the [command] + [R] keys at the same time. The command instructs the boot process to target the recovery partition on Mac running OS x 10.7 or a newer version.

5. Mac to Mac Data Transfer Errors
To transfer data from a Mac computer with an unresponsive OS to another Mac, you need to use a Thunderbolt or, FireWire cable. Connect one end to the Mac that needs data recovery, say “Mac A” and the other end to the Mac that is going to store the recovered data, say “Mac B”. Switch on Mac A while holding back the keyboard letter [T]. The boot process starts Target Disk Mode and will load the contents of the hard drive on Mac B.

Many of the issues that your Apple computer’s OS X encounters are simple and can be resolved with a simple system reboot, without having to hire a technician. If, however, you fail to make progress or are unsure on how to proceed, you may avail Apple Mac repair services for expert guidance. Knowing a few basic troubleshooting techniques helps you to get your Mac up and running right away when you are experiencing minor problems. Learn five more tricks in the second part of our series, ‘10 Common Apple OS X Issues and Fixes’.

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