Ransomware poses a threat to anyone who owns a computer, which today is almost 74% of the American population. If you have a computer, whether a desktop or a laptop, you aren’t exempt from the dangers of ransomware. While a little more rare, phone ransomware attacks also pose a threat. You may be wondering what exactly ransomware is and why there are dangers associated with it. With a few extra steps, you can protect yourself against the dangers of ransomware.
Here’s how malware has affected people in the past and how you can save yourself from dealing with the dangers of ransomware. If you ever encounter this issue, contact Computer CPR for all your ransomware removal needs.
What Exactly Is Ransomware?
Ransomware is a specific type of malware that attacks your computer. It will typically encrypt files that you need and hold them hostage. The cyber attacker or operator of the ransomware will then usually demand money in exchange for the code to regain access to the encrypted files.
Ransomware can gain access to information on a computer in a number of ways, but a common method used is phishing emails. It is always important to remember to check for suspicious emails. Phishing scams can gain access to sensitive information easily if a corrupted file is opened.
Once the ransomware has taken over, data and files are attacked by encryption and some are even smart enough to delete backups on the computer, which makes it harder to regain control of the device without the encryption code.
Effects Of Ransomware
The severity of the effects of ransomware varies from situation to situation. If a company is attacked, it can have severely negative effects. It is very important for business owners to protect their IT with malware protection to avoid the dangers of ransomware.
A business’s revenue can suffer from a ransomware attack, and it can negatively impact how much the business’s clients trust the company. This can have long-lasting effects on a business for years to come, as trust is a big factor in why people choose to do business with a specific company.
How to Avoid Ransomware
The dangers of ransomware can be decreased with malware protection and other extra measures. While the dangers of ransomware can’t be avoided with certainty, there are things that can be done to prevent an attack in the first place, and things that can help minimize the dangers of ransomware.
To further protect important files and information, keep data encrypted and keep a backup copy. Keep the backup offline and out of reach from anyone who may try to attack the information with ransomware.
The whole point of ransomware is to hold valuable information hostage until a ransom is paid to return it. When backups are kept offline, the information can be retrieved without paying the ransom.
Recover From A Ransomware Attack
Recover from a ransomware attack by reaching out to an IT company that has experience removing ransomware. Once it is removed, files and data can be recovered from backups. Additionally, bringing the ransomware attack to the attention of a professional helps to keep the IT community well-versed in current ransomware attack types.
Call Computer CPR
Call Computer CPR at (817) 915-0111 when you have experienced the dangers of ransomware firsthand. Whether you are having an issue with your personal computer or a work computer, contact us for help. We can help recommend tactics to avoid ransomware in the first place, and we can help you recover. Remember to keep a copy of your important information in a backup. Technology has flaws too, nothing is foolproof. Avoid the dangers of ransomware with an updated backup file and help from Computer CPR.